With our shout-outs we officially recognize our members who go above and beyond to give to our club and to our community.
Want to nominate someone for the next shout-out award? Please use this online form.
Volunteer of the Year – 2022
Sharman French has been a member of the Pacific Beach Woman’s Club since the spring of 2021.
She was immediately interested in the clubs’ functions and volunteered for several club activities. Her expertise is clearly at fundraising and during her time with us she has raised thousands of dollars for the club’s treasury.
She chaired the highly successful PB Woman’s Club Tea in April 2022, which provided funds for last year’s Mission Bay High School student scholarships. She worked tirelessly at this year’s woman’s club wine tasting which raised a significant amount of money for the Generate Hope organization. Generate Hope provides a safe haven and recovery support for victims of sex trafficking in our community.
Sharman is currently the club’s first Vice President and continues to contribute her time and energy to the Pacific Beach Woman’s Club and the beach community at large. We are proud to honor Sharman as our 2022 Member of the Year.
Volunteer of the Year – 2021
Vicky Seamon, a dedicated member since 2016, is tireless in her efforts to raise awareness for our Veterans community. She supports so many organizations including the PBWC in reaching out to those less fortunate throughout the entire San Diego County as well as locally in Pacific Beach. We don’t know where she gets her energy from and her enthusiasm. But if we could bottle and sell it, we would.
Congratulations to Vicky for being our 2021 Volunteer of the Year for PBWC!
Volunteer of the Year – 2020-2021
We selected Jody Ross as our 2020-2021 Volunteer of the Year, because in spite of the challenges that the Covid-19 pandemic presented, she managed to do a heck of a lot of good in our community!
Jody is a kind, caring, and generous soul who never stops smiling! She has done so much for our club and for the community, including volunteering for just about every one of our events and charity drives. Notably, she bakes lasagna and delivers goodies and much-needed clothing and other items to the monthly dinner held by Stand Up for Kids, an organization that helps homeless teens.
She has handled the vital role of communications chair for a long time, keeping our members up to date and making sure everyone knows about events and charity efforts. As our correspondence secretary, Jody sends kind notes and birthday greetings to all our members.
We love her energy, her excellent conversation, and her funny expressions. Jody is a club treasure — bless her pea-pickin’ little heart!
Volunteer of the Quarter – Fall 2020
Our Fall Volunteer of the Quarter is Caryn Blanton. Although she is new to our club, Caryn is not new to volunteering and serving the community. “Advocate” should be Caryn’s middle name! In fact, you may have worked with her or have seen her involved in Shoreline Community Services and Pacific Beach Street Guardians. Caryn believes in releasing love and hope into the world as her legacy. She describes herself as being “eternally optimistic” about stopping the cycle of homelessness in the Pacific Beach area.
Brian White, president of Pacific Beach Town Council, shared, “Caryn is a beacon of light for our neighborhood, as a leader who finds innovative ways to help PB’s most marginalized. It’s inspiring to watch someone have that kind of impact. She’s consistent, she’s persistent, and she’s a fighter.” We could not have said it better. We are honored to have Caryn as a member of the PBWC!
Volunteer of the Quarter – Summer 2020
Our Summer Volunteer of the Quarter was Patti Barnhill, an active member of our club since 2004. Patti prefers to act “behind the scenes” by shopping for supplies for the clubhouse, decorating for fundraisers and donating to many of our charities.
She is always a willing volunteer for any activity we have planned and often helps in the kitchen or wherever needed. She made cards for patients at Scripps Memorial Hospital, and she has brought food for our monthly Stand Up For Kids dinner for many years. She also shares her home for events, such as storing items for silent auctions and basket making for fundraising events.
Patti’s presence is always bright and kind; she always has a smile and good words for other club members, and she is a pleasure to be around!
Volunteers of the Quarter – Spring 2020
Our Spring Volunteers of the Quarter were Terri Reid and Paula Munoz.
Terri is always willing to help at events and fundraisers, overseeing kitchen and serving duties. She is an excellent cook and always cheerful and giving. View Terri’s certificate.
Paula serves on decorating committees for events and makes sure our club activities are featured in the community on social media. View Paula’s certificate.
We are so lucky to have Terri and Paula as members!
Volunteer of the Quarter – Winter 2019-2020
Our Winter Volunteer of the Quarter was Natalie Kuhlman.
She joined the club in 2018, and from the very start she has shown herself to be a valuable member.
She donates to Stand Up for Kids, has led a Bunco event, and volunteers for all of our fundraisers.
What a trouper, and what a good friend to our club and to the Pacific Beach community! We love Natalie.
Volunteer of the Quarter – Fall 2019
Our Fall Volunteer of the Quarter was Mary Lou Benzel, a member since 2000. Mary Lou has gone above and beyond during the years, not only serving as club president in 2010-2012 but also continuing to represent us at California Federation of Women’s Clubs and CFWC Southern District meetings and conventions.
Mary Lou is a great mentor for newer club members, as she has vast experience with the details of both running the club and organizing events. In 2019 she was the chair of the Casino Night fundraiser, which was held on November 2.
With her humor and selflessness, Mary Lou is a pleasure to work with on any project and fun to hang out with as well!
Volunteer of the Quarter – Summer 2019
Our Summer Volunteer of the Quarter was Helen Farrer, a very smart lady who has been a member of our club since 2011.
She is always a willing volunteer for any project or event, and she is always kind and friendly, cheerful and generous.
Everyone at the club loves Helen!
For these reasons, Helen Farrer is our Volunteer of the Quarter!
Volunteer of the Quarter – Spring 2019
Our Spring Volunteer of the Quarter was Mary Alice Davis, who has the biggest heart and kindest soul you can imagine. She spends countless hours every week clipping coupons for military families, saving them significant amounts of money. And she has donated many stuffed animals to the Polinsky Children’s Center.
Volunteer of the Quarter – Winter 2018-19
Our second Volunteer of the Quarter was Lynda Tickey, who has been a dedicated member of our club from the first day she joined. At that time she was president of the Soroptimist Club, but always managed to find time to volunteer with PBWC. Lynda is the member who, when asked to help, smiles, says yes and then gets it all done and more.
She has been a valuable help at both of our big fund raisers, Wine Tasting and Casino Night. She stepped up and organized our fun Bunco day in August and turned around and organized our Bunco fundraiser in October. She was instrumental in helping Jo Liddell get our Holiday Boutique Fund Raiser together just a month later.
Even though Lynda and her husband, Jo, now travel to Florida for a few months each year, she has given so much time to our club that you would think she is here year round. For these many reasons, Lynda Tickey was our Volunteer of the Quarter!
Volunteer of the Quarter – Fall 2018
Our first Volunteer of the Quarter is Geri Larkin, a lovely person who for many years has prepared and delivered food and other donations to our Stand Up For Kids dinners. She works hard to make sure these monthly dinners are special for the kids, and we couldn’t do them without her.
Geri can always be counted on to assist at our club fundraisers. And she volunteers at the Pacific Beach Library. She is an excellent role model for our club and community.